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Ziv Chen has been working in the online gambling industry for over two decades in senior marketing and business development roles. Ziv writes about a wide range of topics including slot and table games, casino and sportsbook reviews, American sports news, betting odds and game predictions. Leading a life full of conflict, Ziv constantly struggles between his two greatest loves: American football and US soccer.
We like checking player opinions when conducting reviews. Our goal is to find legit opinions and real experiences. Of course, we also discard complaints by players who seem angry over losing while crying rigged games.
I finally finished listening to Zock-Bock-Radio #38 recently – my first podcast ever and four hours straight straight away. 8-o A few comments and a longer digression about my project *In the Realm of the Nibelungs*:
As a result, a group of 4-6 players will usually fill 1-3 party slots with torchbearers and/or dogs. Thus, the use of torchbearers or the like is on the one hand mandatory (so that it may enrich play!) and on the other hand simple & strict (so that we don’t spend two hours discussing whether to bring torchbearers, or how many, and calculating how many we can afford and debating whether having two dozen workers dig a path to the burial chamber would be more advantageous).
Ah yes, I forgot he published it on his own! I recently started running a group through another Artpunk-Contest entry (Vault of the Warlord), a playtest report is forthcoming there, and for Hell’s Own Temple once played, it will be done. I cannot restate how much I think the high level play is were 1e shines the most and how only actual play can give you experience in that. We will hopefully soon-ish finish the big Huso-Module (Nether Prince), I have lots of thoughts on that one.
Du beschreibst das Phänomen, dass manche Leute Angst vor den weit(er)reichenden Möglichkeiten mittel- oder hochstufiger Charaktere haben: Sinngemäß sagtest Du: ‚Oje, bitte bloß kein Fliegen-Zauber! Und Teleport, das ruiniert mir die Kampagne!‘. Ebenso schön und leider plausibel witzelte Prince ‚Am besten kriegen die erst gar keine Pferde!‘
Heist adventures. Excellent ideas already mentioned in the podcast: read Kidnap the Archpriest; random generation tool for folk encountered. For the latter I would include a loyalty stat. Kidnap the Archpriest might be improved by a more graduated alarm response; see the Notoriety system in WGR6 The City of Skulls. Also some more thought about obstacles against resources, e.g. locked stout wooden doors against passwall, knock, wood warp. Other adventures worth looking at: A Little Bit of Thievery; Statues.
Continuing our series of english language interviews, we are honoured to greet Trent Foster Smith, once maliciously described as the Khmer Rouge of the OSR. We talk about his recent five-star module, Fractious Mayhem at Melonath Falls, his Heroic Legendarium, a most scholarly collection of conversions, errata, house rules and expansions for the 2nd Edition of AD&D that never was. We further discuss the state of the hobby, the Riddle of Basic and its link to the „older/younger sibling“ dynamic. Many thoughts are shared about Gygaxian module writing, what was lost in the 80s and the faults of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Most importantly, though, we talked about the „locked“ grand Gygaxian-1e Module: Necropolis, how he played it with EGG himself and how YOU can experience the same by doing it the Trent/Gygax way. Sadly, we forgot to talk more about Fraggle Rock, but we hope we can remedy this in the future.
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