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Why? Contributions to retirement annuities are tax deductible. That means that the amount of money you contribute to your retirement annuity reduces your taxable income https://readalphabeticalorder.com/winnerz/. As a result, you pay less tax.

Just how much tax could you save in taxes by maximizing your retirement annuity contributions? SARS allows you to invest up to 27.5% of your income (capped at R350,000 per year) and deduct it from your taxable income. This table shows the maximum tax savings you can achieve for different income levels .

Retirement annuity contributions are tax deductible in South Africa. That means, you pay less tax when you invest in a retirement annuity. However, are they really worth it for everyone? If you earn R7 500 per month, do you even qualify for any tax deductions? What about if you earn R40 000 per month? What about R100 000?

The deemed cost method allows you to factor in fuel and maintenance costs only if you have paid for them entirely out of your own pocket. If your employer reimburses you for any portion of these expenses, you cannot include that component when calculating your cost per kilometer.

You earn R40 000 per month. You decide to invest R5 000 into a retirement annuity. SARS will not tax you on the R40 000. Instead, you only pay tax on R35 000. The contribution you made to the retirement annuity reduces your taxable income. And you pay less tax.


But at present, I like to do things differently: *In the Realm of the Nibelungs* with its seven magical laws is a brutal simplification of D&D, which in my opinion achieves the feat of *preserving* resource management, hirelings, character stables, reaction rolls, dynamically changing adventure settings, alliances with monsters, etc. – at the cost of pressing these options into rather tight rules, so that everything remains super-playable.

I don’t disagree that AD&D has its roots in the wargaming hobby and wargaming has traditionally been created (and dominated) by men. But to me, this isn’t a sign of asymmetrical interest so much as asymmetrical ACCESS. Wargaming grew out of military groups…groups that for the most part excluded women from their ranks until very recently. The idea that this makes for evidence of demographic appeal of a particular pastime (when the demographic is forced) is laughable to say the least.

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But at present, I like to do things differently: *In the Realm of the Nibelungs* with its seven magical laws is a brutal simplification of D&D, which in my opinion achieves the feat of *preserving* resource management, hirelings, character stables, reaction rolls, dynamically changing adventure settings, alliances with monsters, etc. – at the cost of pressing these options into rather tight rules, so that everything remains super-playable.

I don’t disagree that AD&D has its roots in the wargaming hobby and wargaming has traditionally been created (and dominated) by men. But to me, this isn’t a sign of asymmetrical interest so much as asymmetrical ACCESS. Wargaming grew out of military groups…groups that for the most part excluded women from their ranks until very recently. The idea that this makes for evidence of demographic appeal of a particular pastime (when the demographic is forced) is laughable to say the least.

Kann ich mir aktuell nicht vorstellen. Er kommt mir sehr politisch verbohrt und gelinde gesagt rechts-tribalistisch vor, UND er macht alles zum Politikum, weswegen man das nicht ignorieren kann. Ich meine, alleine diese Proskriptionsliste, uff. Und rollenspielerisch interessiert uns/mich das alles nicht groß, was er die letzten Jahre macht.

I do not understand the need to rationalize and anecdotalize around what is self-evidently true but we must be patient with victims of social constructionist indoctrination. Mr. Becker has been a knowledgeable scholar on my blog and a good person and I ask that he be forgiven this outburst, which must have been brought on by some sort of evil spirit or exotic radiation.

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