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賭けっ子リンリンは、2021年に10Bet Japanからリニューアルされました!リニューアルされたこともあり、メールでもライブチャットでも24時間日本語で対応してくださいます!日本人にとってかなり使いやすくなったのは賭けリンのおすすめポイントと言えるでしょう!決済方法も仮想通貨から主流な決済方法まで幅広く対応しており、文句なしといったところでしょうか!仮想通貨カジノなところは嬉しいけれど、銀行振込に対応していなかったり、ボーナスがやや分かりづらい点などがマイナス点でもあるのも事実です。
Legendz casino online
The customer support at Legendz is probably the area where the operator should work the most to improve. There are two ways to reach help, via Live Chat and email. The live chat, however, is available from 9 AM to 00 AM CET, so there’s no round-the-clock support. Also, you communicate with a bot rather than a human agent, so I don’t see the point of having working hours. Maybe the operator plans to incorporate human support in the future, but that’s not an option at the moment.
The list of sports includes many niche markets that I was surprised to see, like badminton, darts, billiards, and even politics and specials. You can also bet on eSports, including League of Legends, CS 2, Dota 2, and more.
Legendz is more than capable of putting on some creative deals for existing customers. After all, every legit sweeps casino and sportsbook has to let people enter its sweepstakes for free, and promos are a good way of doing this. So existing customers can enjoy the following deals:
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